2 June 2023
Proton-Electrotex expands its product line with low inductance half-bridge rectifier modules
Glad to inform that The Russian manufacturer of power semiconductors Proton-Electrotex Electrotex expands its product line with low inductance half-bridge rectifier modules
17 May 2023
Section «IGBT Modules» was updated
We are glad to inform that section « IGBT Modules» was updated at the official website of our company.
12 May 2023
Proton-Electrotex expands its product line with MOSFET (SiC) modules
Glad to inform that The Russian manufacturer of power semiconductors Proton-Electrotex Electrotex expands its product line with MOSFET (SiC) modules.
5 May 2023
Proton-Electrotex took part in ExpoElectronica 2023 exhibition
Proton-Electrotex took part in international electrotechnical exhibition ExpoElectronica 2023 that was held from April 11 to 13th in Moscow.
24 April 2023
Proton-Electrotex became a member of the Union "Chamber of Commerce and Industry"
The main task of the Orel Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to support business and promote the development of entrepreneurship, building effective relationships between business and government
30 March 2023
We kindly invite you to participate in the business program of the Proton-Electrotex
Dear colleagues. We kindly invite you to participate in the business program of the Proton-Electrotex on ExpoElectronica 2023
13 March 2023
Proton-Electrotex to take part in the international exhibition «Expo Electronica 2023»
Proton-Electrotex will take part in the international exhibition of power electronics components and modules «Expo Electronica 2023». The event will take place from 11th to 13th April at the Crocus Expo, Moscow
3 March 2023
Proton-Electrotex Successfully completed the «IRIS» Certification
We are glad to announce that Proton-Electrotex has successfully passed the certification of its business management system according to the requirements of the international standard IRIS
17 February 2023
Employees of Proton-Electrotex have won the All-Russian competition «Engineer of the Year»
The Russian and International Unions of Scientific and Engineering Associations supported by the Academy of Engineering Sciences have concluded the latest XXI All-Russian Competition "Engineer of the Year"
6 February 2023
The foundation day of the company
The company was founded in 1996 and in span of a few years has become one of the leading manufacturers of power semiconductor devices in Russia. Now the Proton-Electrotex brand is known all over the world. Company has grown from a group of like-minded people into a large organization of international level.
26 January 2023
Section «Event Calendar» was updated
We are glad to inform that section «Event Calendar» was updated at the official website of our company
20 January 2023
Our website is updated with «Service» page
In this section, you can register a service case, find technical documentation for products, seek advice from specialists, submit an application for the development of devices according to individual technical requirements, and etc.