Proton-Electrotex has successfully passed the certification
We are glad to announce that Proton-Electrotex has successfully passed the certification of its business management system according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001 and ISO 22163.
Top-level processes of the company were verified for compliance to the requirements of ISO 9001. Proton-Electrotex demonstrated well-functioning business procedures and presented the continuous optimization of its management systems and manufacturing processes, the methods used to receive feedback from customers and to analyze their needs and suggestions.
The international industry standard ISO 22163 is based on the requirements of the well-known quality management standard ISO 9001. It is designed to help ensure that safety and quality requirements for railway products are defined, assessed and met throughout the supply chain.
During the audit, the results of the enterprise's activities for 2024 in various areas were presented. The heads of departments presented reports on the collective achievements, methods of organizing production activities, and future goals for the company's development.
The auditors highlighted the careful analysis of the new requirements, good knowledge, involvement and employees’ awareness about quality management systems. The auditors noted a large amount of work done by the company throughout 2024, professional competence of the employees, goodwill and willingness to cooperate with the auditors.
The result is positive, no inconsistencies were identified.
Successful completion of the audit demonstrates the high level of the company's management system and the quality of the produced power semiconductors. The certificate confirms that products of Proton-Electrotex are suitable for application in the railway industry.
We express our gratitude to our colleagues for their worthy preparation and high-quality presentation of their activities during the audit!
About Proton-Electrotex, JSC:
Proton-Electrotex is the Russian leader in designing and manufacturing power semiconductors including diodes, thyristors and IGBT modules as well as heatsinks, voltage suppressors, resistors and measurement equipment. The company is located in Orel city and ships its products through its partners and distributors all over the world. Please visit website for more details about Proton-Electrotex and its offer of products and services.
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Press contact at Proton-Electrotex
Tel.: +7 (4862) 44-04-56