Proton-Electrotex wins the "Best Mentoring Practices - 2021" competition

30 July 2021

The Department of Economic Development and Investment Activities of the Oryol Region has finished the regional stage of the "Best Mentoring Practices - 2021" competition.

The main goal of the competition is to identify and spread the best practices in mentoring to increase labor productivity, encourage and recognize mentors who have made a significant contribution to the development of mentoring and reproduce effective mentoring practices in the Oryol Region.

Proton-Electrotex took the 2nd place in the category "Mentoring in the field of increasing labor productivity" and the 1st place in the category "Mentoring in professional self-determination". Thanks to this victory, the company will be awarded a diploma and obtains the right to take part in the All-Russian stage of the competition.



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